File browser is provided in XtGem. Allowing you to create multiple pages and folders.
To go to file browser, click File browser at your panal or at bottom when managing a file. Once clicked, you will be redirected to the root folder where you can see:
Index is your site homepage. Creator_template is your site CSS editor (styling).
To do something at your file, click the + next to a file. There, you can move, delete, copy, apply PHP, apply password, etc. To create a new folder or file, click the Create file to create a file or Create folder to create a folder.
You can also upload a file from your device by clicking Upload file. Select a file then click OK button. To upload additional file, check the checkbox. This will automatically make you stay on that page to upload another file. If leaved unchecked, you'll be redirected to the previous directory you were in. XtGem also offers Upload via server option, where you can copy a file from a server by entering the file's URL.
Everyone can access your folder and see the content of it. To prevent this, create a file named index in a folder.
Creating a new file
You must enter a file name. You can also choose file types to be created;
•HTML The latest page type suitable for most phones and devices
•WML The page type where suitable for all types of devices
•TEXT Text only file.
Editing a file
Just click on the file name and you'll be redirected to building tool: a place where you can edit the file.
Showing a page
To show a page, you have to provide a link to a page.
Example: You have created a file hello at your root directory. To go there you need to provide a link as follow: If a file is inside a second directory, the link to go there is: